this piece is so well curated and I feel that every one of us has this parts of ourselves which we are grateful for yet grief with such intense emotions. you captured it so beautifully....thank you for being so raw about how things were for you. it means a lot to me as someone who looks up to writers 💜

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thankyou for reading and appreciating. it's something in the readers always :'). i hope you're well 🌷

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Ayusshi

i cried silenced deep while readin a bit part on yours letter. in thats one where we as a humankind would always leavin something. leaving those memories once ever we hold and bein the part of this mundane life on us. and how you makes me take a hold a mere minutes to staring at where you said as awfully bad this life could be but then its all ours nevertheless. its all that we got with all the flaw deformity that happens but we strong enough to still wake up everyday and be grateful for havin it. thank you. readin this just givin a glimpse sparkle sight of hope to me. for gracious still hold my knees my wounded knees walked peacefully towards the life lead that welcomin me in the days ahead. love you. thank you for this.

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thankyou for reading and always pouring out your precious little heart. i am very very very grateful to have you as my reader.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Ayusshi

while reading this some parts of it felt like you took the thoughts and the emotions right out of my body. I'm glad we're not alone and I'm glad we survived up until now. I hope you have more and more beautiful moments in your life, thank you for existing <3

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i genuinely wish the same for you. thankyou for being here and reading this. it means a lot to me :')🌷

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Ayusshi

this was extremely beautiful and made me feel understood for the first time in a long time, it gave me courage and the reassurance that i needed. happy new year and thank u for this, truly. im sure that this year will be gentle w us <333

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i am just so so so so glad that this silly little newsletter could reassure you. i hope life is gentle with you. thankyou for reading 🐝<3

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Dec 31, 2022·edited Dec 31, 2022Liked by Ayusshi

With everyone at home celebrating and screaming, I took out some time and came outside on my balcony to read this..saw lanterns floating in the air, an almost red moon, orion and Mars shining proudly over my head, firecrackers bursting near the horizon, and a family who's on their terrace right now celebrating as well as fighting over a round of dumb charades, I feel like I grew up more In this moment than 2022 alone! Im glad that you are my friend! Thanks for being who you are! Love and only love for you "<3"

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i am a thousand times more glad that you are my friend. who i am today is so much because of you.

(my keyboard autocorrected mehta to mental. how embarrassing is that, daveed!)

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Ayusshi

Tattoo!? feels liberating, right?

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extremely. :')

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you have no idea how much courage your words give me, not the motivational speaker sort of courage, but the courage that only the soft animal of a body that holds a lot of love & tenderness can share with another pebble drifting between the blues. happy new year, and in younha's voice i'll hope you bloom <3

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this is one of the prettiest comments i have ever received on my writings. i am very thankful for that. i really wish that you find your courage every single day. take care ♡

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